How Do I enter?
Entry Fee is $20
Deadline to enter is 12 noon, Friday, November 18th.
After the first 32 entries, a second pool will be started. If more than 32 but less than 64 players enter, the prizes in the second pool will be distributed proportional to the number of players.
Prizes will be given out for teams under the following categories:
- Tournament winner: $100
- Biggest hammering: $50
(Team that receives the biggest hammering. In a tie, this will be decided on goals scored, so 1-6 beats 0-5 etc, then prize shared)
- Dirtiest team: $50
(Judged by cards, not fouls. A red card is worth double a yellow, with number of reds issued as a tie-breaker. If there is still a tie, the pot will be split)
- Wooden Spoon: $75
(Worst overall record. Teams on 0 pts will split by goal difference, goals scored, then prize shared)
- Most improved: $75
(Teams will be ranked 1-32 based on their FIFA standings on november 19th at 9am, taken from here. Teams will be ranked positionally once they exit the tournament 1-32, best improvement wins. Ex. Qatar is ranked 32/32 teams on November 19th, they win the world cup so they finish 1/32 which is a 31 spot improvement.
Priority for exit position will be
Record [3 pts win, 0 pts loss, 1 pt for loss in a shootout]
Goal differential
Goals for
Goals against
Least amount of red cards
Least amount of yellow cards
Best looking jerseys
If multiple teams are tied for most improvement, the lower originally ranked team will win.)
Teams are allocated to entrants using a random generator.
Prize money pot is $350, distributed as above. Remaining $290 collected will go towards the club.
Moderator's decisions are final.
All game results and standings can be found HERE.
Statistics taken from official